utter nonsense - bangawking

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von bangawking
I started to touch type when I began writing books because of its efficiency; it was fun and all, but I, later on, decided to give up my writing career to become a professional musician. Only after five years of being in the music industry I found out that my hands now hurt when typing for more than three hours a day, but why? As I feared, playing instruments for many years has made my fingers unable to jump up and down the keyboard rows. Luckily, I found the Dvorak keyboard layout.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 158.22 95.7%
user871724 147.04 93.7%
vmlm 106.87 95.5%
geryjs 102.30 95.5%
dante-didit 99.45 96.1%
xtna 98.97 98.8%
jgdude 97.91 95.1%
user86374 97.88 99.0%
staylor1014 95.78 92.2%
jacqueline1234 93.81 97.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user100406 74.99 95.7%
magesh 76.99 93.1%
user109213 31.10 91.7%
jgdude 97.91 95.1%
dante-didit 99.45 96.1%
khatrihemang001 77.99 97.6%
idkbrotypingiscool 65.58 95.7%
magesh 87.55 96.4%