Bonus - Sophia Bush

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kaylaym420
I don't think you can really, truly be the partner you want to be until you know on an absolute level that you are a complete person on your own. I think that's something all women deserve to know. So many fairy tales we read as children - and the love stories we watch on TV when we're older - tell us that we're not enough unless we have a man. And it's like, "No homie! You can be a bonus when I have time for you in my life."

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magellan 7 Jahre vor
Stories portray people falling in love and being happy about it because humans are fascinated by relationships. People want that for themselves. Watching someone live a solitary existence is less interesting to many people. That's pretty much all there is to it.

You don't have to justify the choice to go it alone. Expecting people to be riveted by it is asking a bit much, though.

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