Beast Mode #00 - Davis Hartman

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von bossome427
The best baseball players are the ones who are willing to sacrifice their body to win. I've been through a lot with baseball, but the thing you need to tell yourself is mind-over-matter and don't let the ball beat you. Have confidence in yourself.

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dvorakdan 7 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I give up, who is Davis Hartman? This sounds like a user made up this quote. It's just a hodge-podge of cliches. But I did type it quickly, though.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 178.00 96.9%
wolfram 150.60 96.5%
jpadtyping 149.87 99.6%
majochama 146.06 98.4%
imstaken 144.25 97.2%
1speedbike 144.01 99.2%
ilovejujubee 140.79 98.4%
treemeister 139.06 95%
connieshao 137.42 100%
haddadios 136.53 98.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
omeletstar 86.54 96.5%
user843630 106.83 99.6%
user871724 172.66 95.5%
jacquelinesharp 50.98 96.1%
user109475 41.06 93.9%
user206721 100.69 98.4%
smartboynaresh 80.83 95%
acer1976 57.73 97.3%