Gift of Life - Thundercats

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von macairo
You have been given the gift of life. It is a fragile gift and not one that you can keep forever, but it is the most precious in all the world. Use it well.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jpadtyping 155.97 100%
imstaken 152.53 100%
mothertrucker 149.40 98.7%
wolfram 147.86 95.1%
asfasdfasfasfd 147.18 98.1%
xempt 145.33 99.4%
twilags 142.85 98.1%
cellyphone 142.77 100%
treemeister 142.20 95.1%
moca 140.52 100%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
kobe 44.71 87.2%
dcb87 123.61 96.9%
colinoooooooo 102.12 96.9%
user104477 49.64 92.9%
soaps 61.53 90.2%
user843630 89.25 95.2%
dcb87 126.57 98.1%
nightowl_1325 52.13 96.3%