typist test

Stephen Hawking

This typist test wurde hinzugefügt von beerfan
Aristotle, and most of the other Greek philosophers, on the other hand, did not like the idea of a creation because it smacked too much of divine intervention. They believed, therefore, that the human race and the world around it had existed, and would exist, forever. The ancients had already considered the argument about progress described above, and answered it by saying that there had been periodic floods or other disasters.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typist test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
ilovejujubee 133.47 98.6%
coryeleg 129.79 100%
eureka78 126.63 99.1%
neptuneslair 123.63 96.9%
indigomood 123.54 98.9%
dvorakptreg 122.26 99.3%
vmlm 117.60 97.3%
corey 116.84 99.3%
sokend 116.57 98.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
slaughtermelon 85.64 96.6%
user564583 49.08 92.4%
alcuin 59.47 94.7%
awinton6 88.46 94.5%
user108313 45.94 94.3%
rudechukwu_k12_com 34.08 91.7%
niknikwill3 56.69 96.9%
ladytzyion 48.02 96%