This quote wurde hinzugefügt von 8008135
What is the best thing to do when you're bored and you have nothing better to do? You can always go here and feel great for typing so many words! Do it.

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kiriiya 4 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
remove this trash
un10 4 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
4.0310077519379846 out of 5 based on 125 ratings.
skeppy 6 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
4.204545454545454 out of 5 based on 40 ratings.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
missarkansas 150.42 100%
zhengfeilong 147.78 100%
hunterz1200 147.63 98.7%
ayruku 147.63 100%
ze_or 145.43 95.6%
jpadtyping 144.19 96.8%
throwawei 143.86 100%
peggyrwa 143.41 100%
quinoa 141.44 98.1%
vmlm 139.11 100%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
tamatotodile 103.72 98.7%
anxioustyper 61.21 92.7%
pcapriotti 115.28 98.7%
bandar_77_b 72.68 96.2%
bvw 58.28 98.7%
user83613 82.47 98.1%
bnito4prez 87.24 88.4%
user84437 60.04 100%