This is going to be so Easy for You! - Tori Foster

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von savagesuperkiwi
The best way to improve your typing is to type very easy things with lots of ands and no hard stuff like dots at the end of your sentence or big letters at the beginning this is so easy you now have a score of lots of words per minute am I right or I am right.

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genevajmm 7 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
This quote is just plain wrong! It took me longer to type it because it defies normal writing standards. No, were not right.
grugg 7 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
You're actually wrong.

Typing without correct punctuation is more difficult for me.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
trishadgk 120.44 94.5%
kingpak 115.89 98.1%
klgrass84 109.15 96.3%
npabs 104.84 96.0%
kicko 103.00 95.6%
mb9061 102.92 97.0%
grugg 101.95 98.9%
rupcongmon 97.19 94.5%
user93811 96.20 99.6%
guinessbook1 96.13 98.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
shyhamhalder 79.20 90.9%
npabs 104.84 96.0%
kreasoner1125 86.09 98.9%
whhow2 80.79 98.1%
mckenzieasimone 40.21 90.2%
kingpak 115.89 98.1%
saleheen01924 39.29 86.2%
slaughtermelon 72.41 93.9%