Lies - Stacy

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von stacydiaz
Telling the truth would be far easier. Having to think you ever loved me, ruined me. Lies are sweet words that don't mean anything. Tell me I did not waste years of my life being lied to.

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therobotclustr2 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Dude what in the world is up with this quote! It has be from someone who never bothered trying in English classes.
weesin 6 Jahre vor
This quote is terrible...

"far more easier" is not grammatically correct.

The punctuation is incorrect: "Lies are sweet, words that don't mean anything"......there shouldn't be a comma in that sentence.

Same with the next sentence..."Tell me I did not waste years of my life, being lied to...". ...there shouldn't be a comma in that sentence either.

Please, if you're going to post personal "quotes", at least have a basic command and understanding of the English language so that you can produce a quote without errors

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