what's the average wpm

The Sickness Unto Death - Soren Kierkegaard

This what's the average wpm wurde hinzugefügt von bradleefreeman
In every instant a self exists and is in the process of becoming. The self does not actually "exist," but is only that which it is to become. In so far as the self does not become itself, it is not its own self, and not to be one's own self is despair.

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malevolarky 11 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
One of the books that changed my life...

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses what's the average wpm

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 147.88 99.6%
sokend 135.90 99.6%
vandalialarue 131.12 100%
2001or2 127.50 93.3%
corey 123.81 98.8%
user98852 121.24 98.4%
goopy 120.21 97.7%
gilligilliam 119.91 99.2%
hyunjung61293 119.71 99.6%

Kürzlich für what's the average wpm

Name WPM Genauigkeit
ann_belingan31 31.43 96.9%
cristalyn 27.08 93.0%
user91712 89.77 93.3%
wengsky1020 26.62 94.0%
shang88 74.58 98.1%
diamondrock 67.38 91.0%
trishadgk 107.44 94.0%
user108640 45.16 91.6%