Type Test - Vadari

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von vadari
You are here to practice typing, I understand that and will try and make this as easy as I can for you. I will try my best not to use large words. I will try my best to not use special characters. And I will try my best to make this a decent thing to type.

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kiriiya 4 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
This guy must think he's creative.
therobotclustr2 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
If people are here to practice typing, why would you intentionally avoid challenging them? That's why people stay stagnant you dunce.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
stormspirit97 145.74 97.0%
zhengfeilong 144.46 98.8%
mothertrucker 139.12 98.1%
xingdom 136.01 100%
harrypotter_hermione 133.24 99.6%
jswegs 133.10 98.5%
user295704 131.68 97.3%
berryberryberry 131.65 93.5%
nicks 129.59 97.0%
tecc 128.27 98.5%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
d3nnde 43.17 89.0%
user84437 55.96 100%
luiscornejo 99.28 97.0%
user83344 78.92 97.0%
user86002 69.73 95.2%
user283919 70.93 94.5%
coltdriver 79.52 92.8%
nelzy 76.94 91.8%