I want to be happy - John Lennon

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ferb
My teacher once asked me while I was in primary school what I would like to be when I grew up. While my classmates wrote down things like 'astronaut', 'fireman' or 'princess', I myself wrote down 'happy'. The teacher came around the class to review over our work and when she came to mine, she scolded me and said I did not understand the task that was given. I looked her in the eyes and said she did not know the meaning of life.

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gonzalj8 8 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
This isn't the original quote...
teilo 10 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Yeah, and whatever the attribution, I don't believe for a minute that such erudition proceeded from the mouth of a child in primary school.
zaronis 11 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I do not like John Lennon much, but at least give him his due for being witty.
crusadesonyou 11 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
This was stolen from another quote. Please, at least have some originality or some respect to reference the original author. Pathetic.

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