Dreaming of Something - Myself

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von poeblob
The thought of spending another dreary day on the inside brightens the soul. Enjoying the world from behind a screen is the way of the world and no one will be changing it soon. From behind the screen, I am protected. I am safe and I am secure. I am whoever I want to be, to whomever I choose to be with. Spending time with friends never met and enemies never seen.

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dvorakdan 7 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
This is probably the best user written quote I have seen on this site. Good work. Contrasting dreary and brightens is excellent, and the repetitions of I am and whoever are practically lyrical. The final line is an excellent ending and something every keyboard warrior can relate to.

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user871724 161.96 96.9%
2001or2 144.70 96.3%
munoko 139.56 99.5%
treemeister 135.33 96.1%
mediocretypist 135.18 95.8%
ze_or 132.08 97.9%
fishless 131.82 98.7%
emma_lin789 130.71 98.6%
alliekarakosta 129.66 99.7%
gian 129.10 96.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user340307 62.67 94.6%
20231205 88.77 100%
user85658 80.32 98.6%
user109403 56.40 95.3%
user107454 46.42 88.6%
skoja 44.87 94.6%
ginjiruu 59.11 88.2%
homekeyz94 54.50 91.3%