word per minute typing test

Nation - Terry Pratchett

This word per minute typing test wurde hinzugefügt von Tony62
Mau concentrated on weaving the long thorns between the stakes. He'd have to go and get some more from the big thickets on the north slope, he thought. Perhaps I ought to go and get some right now. If I run, perhaps she won't try to follow me.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses word per minute typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
biotatumble 138.76 100%
2001or2 135.93 90.7%
railker 135.31 99.6%
statusmeco 129.07 98.8%
sokend 129.05 99.6%
gilligilliam 126.64 100%
ilovejujubee 126.43 94.2%
corey 125.92 100%
anne3yp 124.58 97.9%

Kürzlich für word per minute typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
jules831 75.80 93.1%
user843630 90.91 96.8%
user98091 50.64 98.8%
armiensambrano39 18.24 97.6%
tz13 67.52 91.7%
mbqg1234 98.86 91.0%
user843630 93.59 96.4%
heyitsmelx 118.17 96.8%