Brake Fluid - Unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user49606
I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop anytime. You probably think this is just another cheesy pun, nonetheless you're paying more attention to each word now, trying to predict what the next witticism will be. You'll probably spend all night thinking about this pun until it dawns on you.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
npabs 111.78 97.5%
sophiesmom 107.47 97.8%
jerv 102.53 95.2%
simi_ 100.78 97.2%
ozymandias037 99.47 96.9%
browar08 93.08 97.2%
guinessbook1 91.94 96.6%
vishal 87.55 93.7%
jessicarusso416 87.31 95.7%
psbank 87.27 97.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
xxgm_100xx 73.42 93.0%
jessicarusso416 87.31 95.7%
user781461 76.08 96.9%
simi_ 100.78 97.2%
npabs 111.78 97.5%
cholloway526 84.32 95.7%
user109013 37.44 94.0%
guinessbook1 91.94 96.6%