Richard Mitchell

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user698661
We champion mastery, and we mean mastery, not minimum competence, in language and number not because it is the goal of education but because it is absurd to imagine an educated person who lacks it. Having that mastery, we can make of knowledge the raw material of thoughtfulness and judgment. Lacking it, we can make of knowledge nothing more than the substance of training and the content of indoctrination.

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user871724 154.65 94.2%
typin_ 153.99 96.2%
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user730344 116.42 97.8%
dnakamura650 103.85 98.6%
simi_ 100.55 99.3%
kensmom825 94.59 93.8%
colincastle1234 90.36 91.5%
grant24 90.19 95.8%
bhojo31 89.52 95.6%

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user843630 84.68 95.8%
user109145 40.74 87.2%
petrolfume 87.95 92.3%