The most simple text. - Levi Szabo

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von pharwex
If you are having a hard time getting high words per minute, this is going to be a treat for you. This text has no meaning to it, it's just a simple text with easy words for you to get a higher words per minute. I am making it easy for you right now. In fact, you are probably typing the fastest that you have ever done. The main reason for that is the simplicity and the propositional meaning of the sentence's construction. You might think I'm conscientious, but the text got harder. Sorry.

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divine_. 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Bruh this is not easy. i got my average on this which is 110 when i can sometimes get 120 on some text. Do not call this easy. Such an ass text.
takkasila 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I hate these kinds of text. For some reason, when text talks to me in 2nd person it gives me an existential crisis and messes with my mind and I couldn't concentrate. Also, this is not an easy text to type and does not increases WPM whatsoever.
weesin 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
What is with everyone's obsession with getting short, easy-to-type quotes? How is your typing speed ever going to increase when you cherry pick the easy/short quotes? How is that going to help you in your job, where I'm sure you're not expected to only type short/easy emails. We need more people posting quotes that are "difficult"....that have numbers, more obscure words.

Laziness won't pay off people. It may increase your typing speed on this site....but it won't increase your typing speed in everyday life situations!
dvorakdan 7 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Even early on this was not as easy as it could have been. Stick to periods. Say it is instead of it's. And if you really wanted speed rather than humor, you would have kept it short. The longer it is the more likely you are to regress to your average.
It was also a bit too distracting, like having someone read something to you to type. But, at the end, it was a bit amusing.

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magesh 86.43 92.3%