Welcome to Nigh Vale: A Novel - ― Joseph Fink

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von gilleve
There is nothing more lonely than an action taken quietly on your own, and nothing more comforting than doing that same quiet action in parallel with fellow humans doing the same action, everyone alone next to each other.

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unkown1234 4 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
Yeah, I agree, great quote.
dangerawaits 4 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
typo in the quote name, missing "t", otherwise good quote
mothertrucker 5 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
great quote.

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geoffhuang_slow 161.93 91.3%
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foggy 155.03 96.1%
am4sian 148.07 98.7%
hunterz1200 145.13 97.4%
elizabizzle1 144.31 98.7%
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gordonlew 143.53 97.8%
jpadtyping 142.16 97.8%
mothertrucker 141.65 97.8%

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maadj 88.70 97.8%
user102193 62.17 95.7%
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strikeemblem 141.64 100%
abdking 73.53 94.5%
reamerton 65.07 89.5%
calcdc 58.70 95.7%
hritul 72.18 86.0%