Your typing exam. - Levi Szabo

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von pharwex
If you're going to get 80 WPM+ on this text; you could consider yourself being a "master typist." It's extremely difficult to type whilst reading at the same time. Now, if you've been typing for over 10 minutes now, it's really hard to get a PB (personal best). You're getting slower at typing and you aren't even that concentrated at what you are reading. You may just be typing this text word by word, and not even realizing what you are typing. You have now mastered 478 letters. Good job!

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bakerkid88 7 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Super obnoxious typing test. Worst on this site so far.

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Score (WPM) Verteilung für dieses Zitat. Mehr.

Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
linkbane 148.92 98.8%
thatdude 114.17 100%
cancan 108.46 96.9%
hackertyper492 106.92 90.9%
user52272 106.02 94.6%
sophiesmom 105.35 95.4%
strikeemblem 105.14 93.1%
staylor1014 103.93 95.9%
daenar 97.75 98.2%
rossgshaffer 95.35 94.1%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user106840 39.66 98.0%
strikeemblem 105.14 93.1%
npabs 88.94 92.5%
blunzengroestel 86.17 96.3%
falsesu 73.53 96.5%
user109145 26.83 84.2%
hackertyper492 106.92 90.9%
user88803 90.15 98.4%