The dog! - Lmao doggo Pupper!

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user52632
Yummy snacks yummy snacks! Yes, if I could believe in the immortality business, the world would indeed be too good to be true; but we were put here to do what service we can, for honor and not for hire; the sods cover us, and the worm that never dies, the conscience, sleeps well at last; these are the wages, besides what we receive so lavishly day by day; and they are enough for a man who knows his own f.

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tami 7 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
Knows his own f? What the 'f'?

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typin_ 172.89 97.1%
hiramisu 121.29 97.4%
ozzycallooh 114.84 93.8%
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mafuso 106.78 96.9%
temarcwinter 102.84 95.3%
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ceifero 67.83 98.3%
nobleinfantry 37.69 88.5%
typin_ 172.89 97.1%