Changing How the World Thinks about Set Pieces - Ted Knutson

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I don't think I am overstating it when I say set piece execution is one of the most misunderstood, undervalued, and under-exploited edges in the game of football. A single goal in the Premier League right now is worth approximately 2.5M; the ability to conjure these extra goals out of nothing but time and hard work has enormous value, but almost no teams in world football are executing set pieces at a consistently high level.

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brbsmith 7 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
American Keyboards don't have the £ symbol on them. British Keyboards have the £ symbol above the 3, but American Keyboards have the # symbol above the 3. If you get this quote and have an American Keyboard it is next to impossible to type it without a penalty. I would suggest changing "£2.5M" to "2.5M pounds" or to "$3M" (because British Keyboards do have the $ sign.) Otherwise your quote will most likely be rejected due to low votes.

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