Jeff Kaplan Developer Update - Jeff Kaplan

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user221352
Welcome everybody to another developer update. My name is Jeff I am from the Overwatch development team. We're going to talk to you guys about a bunch of popular community topics today. And I sort of wanted to go into what is the team working on right now. I know a lot of people are wondering, you know what's going on. We don't always get to hear from the Overwatch development team as often as we'd like to. I need to preface this by saying, not everything that I'm going to mention is coming out.

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user913613 7 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Needs better punctuation. a period (.) after 'Jeff', and a comma (.) after 'you know' and a question mark(?) for the question 'what's going on'.

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