Harry Potter: Really fInal Paragraph - J.K Rowling

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von nania2
The art for both the jacket and the interior was created using pastels on toned printmaking paper. The text was set in 12-point Adobe Garamond, a typeface based on the sixteenth-century type designs of Claude Garamond, redrawn by Robert Slimbach in 1989. The book was typeset by Brad Walrod and was printed and bound by Quebecor World Fairfield in Fairfield, Pennsylvania. The Managing Editor was Karyn Browne; the Continuity Editor was Cheryl Klein; and the Manufacturing Director was Angela Biola.

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umvard 12 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Hardy har, but really, no one wants to type this.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
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2001or2 91.97 87.7%
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st4ycl4ssy 82.69 98.0%
user8477 79.97 98.2%
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user462452 60.60 97.8%
rrapattoni 72.25 93.6%
danbi 45.28 94.7%
2001or2 91.97 87.7%