Mastery - Robert Greene

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kagdo
Fulfillment comes not from having more and more of everything forever into oblivion. Fulfillment comes from having what you need. The whole world is chasing illegitimate wants with reckless abandon. We use all of our time, effort, and energy in the pursuit of our illegitimate wants, hypnotized by the lie that our illegitimate wants are the key to our happiness.

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divine_. 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
highhonedjazzyaudio 150.00 96.0%
wolfram 147.16 97.1%
user285384 142.34 98.1%
vmlm 131.65 97.8%
-eg.kvl_sbtiuoy 130.12 100%
zhengfeilong 128.64 97.3%
jpadtyping 127.73 96.5%
ksahn81xx7 125.11 98.9%
brainfreezy 123.81 95.8%
am4sian 123.27 98.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user109196 57.40 98.6%
user843630 79.28 94.1%
nobleinfantry 70.87 94.8%
alcuin 61.60 100%
reasonablereason 89.26 97.8%
bkbroiler 64.35 88.4%
cattype123 60.38 96.3%
user94846 77.84 93.3%