Guttersnipe- Clay's speech - Patrika JC

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user49326
I'm a dirty bum who begs for money everyday walking past good homes, doors slammed close and locked when i come by like nobody trusts me thinking that i'll do harm to them when all i want is some change get put in my rusted can so i can get something to eat. Why is the world so cold, so cruel, so hard to live. Before my friend died he said it's hard to live and better off to die. I see what he's talking about, i'm tired of wiping feces and shit off my face and showing respect towards people.

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ivana. 6 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Well in the U.S there is something called a shelter but some homeless people are so stupid that they don't go to the shelter and stay outside instead.

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