The Fans Are All Right - Maciej

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mskachilds
For any bookmarking site, the fan subculture is valuable because it makes such heavy and creative use of tagging, and because they are great collaborators. I can't think of a better way to stress-test a site than to get people filling it with Inception fanfic. You will get thoughtful, carefully formatted bug reports; and if you actually fix something, someone might knit you a sweater.

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magellan 7 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
I submitted a few small changes/fixes. Just wanted to say thanks for contributing.

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wolfram 145.08 98.0%
sammich 141.54 97.7%
djsharpe113 124.52 98.7%
starl1ng 115.82 98.7%
gordonlew 111.38 97.5%
trig 110.84 96.5%
willjr08 108.84 96.5%
jpadtyping 106.29 95.1%
user293157 105.92 94.6%
ocean.side 105.64 96.8%

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user843630 78.32 95.1%
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learntotype12321 39.33 92.8%