Typing Skills - Katerina Knudsen

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mdawg
I hate to type, but the words are like the wind. Swept away when you talk, and drawn in when you listen. So your breath is saved to talk, a perfect speech for another day. But it may just end up to stay. In the head of yours. Of course who would listen to such morse.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
This has to be one of the most poorly-written quotes I have come across on this site. The grammar and punctuation are TERRIBLE

And you've made up a word entirely....what is "morse"? A morse is a broach....OR it can be used in referencing the morse code....but on it's own, it means a broach. What are you trying to say?

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mcgen8 130.49 94.7%
sampleboy 130.12 98.2%
throwawei 129.90 95.7%
jpadtyping 129.53 96.4%
yuichiro 129.40 96.7%
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ashrosetta123 72.07 87.0%
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