Error Making - Milton Cotto

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von xxmltnxx
The more errors you make and the more times you fail, the more you're going to learn and the more you're going to succeed. The best part is that experience comes with hard work and hard work comes from the individual that wants to improve. Many individuals love to overdose close to tricky openings.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 166.91 97.1%
wolfram 154.45 98.7%
xempt 146.47 99.3%
user939249 145.19 92.3%
practicebutt69 144.53 99.0%
gbzaid 140.12 98.7%
am4sian 138.74 98.4%
berryberryberry 136.77 92.7%
foggyy 136.73 96.8%
bpelletier1423 134.62 99.0%

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dcb87 122.27 97.4%
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cewial 90.30 93.7%
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ellxi39 112.34 96.1%
typinglindsey 83.12 95.2%
annabelle1995 64.16 96.1%
user703302 57.53 91.4%