wpm typing test online

The Endless Game - Bryan Forbes

This wpm typing test online wurde hinzugefügt von Tony62
In the ordinary course of events Calder denied himself any form of pity for others, yet that morning he was uncharacteristically moved when he found a colony of spiders in his bath. He counted seven, seemingly all identical, clinging to the tub's vertical sides like stranded mountaineers. Sinking to his knees, he examined them at close range: did they really climb up through the plug hole, or was that just an old wives' tale?

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses wpm typing test online

Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 174.28 97.7%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
ilovejujubee 134.04 99.5%
mohitpatil3001 127.84 100%
user37933 125.82 98.8%
railker 123.16 99.5%
jaesynn 120.83 98.6%
corey 120.75 99.5%
sokend 119.57 98.8%
cornvelious 119.49 99.1%

Kürzlich für wpm typing test online

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user99861 37.60 90.4%
riza0516 20.86 91.7%
smartboynaresh 81.00 94.3%
user453101 67.47 91.5%
npabs 103.46 97.9%
reamerton 61.13 94.3%
ben.tomo.132 86.24 93.1%
typin_ 174.28 97.7%