Typing Test benefits - www.keyhero.com

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von urthurao
Typing is an important skill for anyone using a computer. The more comfortable you are typing, the more you can focus on what you are working on. Slow typing and fixing typing errors moves your attention away from what you are trying to achieve (writing an email, filling some form...). Use this advanced typing test to discover how well you type. We have test material in more than 15 languages.

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2.5 out of 5 based on 6 ratings.

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bvw 5 Monate, 3 Wochen vor
Needs a grammar-based spell check, boss.

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Score (WPM) Verteilung für dieses Zitat. Mehr.

Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
arravalle 115.75 98.3%
rivendellis 112.65 95.5%
clemms 92.59 93.7%
lpm14 91.77 93.8%
cheering_keira 91.32 98.3%
kicko 89.28 93.0%
rkoh 87.67 93.8%
magesh 81.26 90.4%
user97523 80.37 96.1%
shyhamhalder 80.30 93.8%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user746708 55.99 95.4%
usersugma 77.95 95.9%
ginjiruu 26.73 87.1%
jena83 56.52 88%
user97523 80.37 96.1%
user108661 54.36 95.9%
user85658 76.75 98.0%
rkoh 87.67 93.8%