Tap Titans 2 (2) - Rofel

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von rofel
Unlock powerful skills, collect legendary artifacts, raise loyal pets to fight by your side, and hire a new band of devoted Heroes. Compete with other players around the world in global tournaments to show off your strength and earn amazing prizes.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 161.03 96.1%
typin_ 154.45 93.9%
maplecrofte 128.73 93.9%
2001or2 109.73 84.4%
tjapit 104.06 99.2%
npabs 100.97 95.4%
user108719 95.74 97.6%
kicko 90.83 91.2%
unrulyragweed 90.43 99.2%
falsesu 89.67 98.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
cristalyn 26.99 95.8%
user421490 65.43 92.9%
user871724 161.03 96.1%
sasol 69.19 99.2%
user106120 80.64 93.2%
user949982 75.20 93.6%
npabs 100.97 95.4%
geageorgia 79.96 96.5%