Tap Titans 2 (3) - Rofel

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von rofel
Form a clan and join forces with other players to defeat the almighty Titan Lords. Collect brand new equipment and customize your hero's looks and strengths to suit your play style. The Titans are back, so pick up your sword and begin a new journey!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
npabs 94.80 95.8%
nobleinfantry 66.97 93.7%
pjmj 66.80 94.3%
yoko 66.21 90.2%
user468593 64.26 95.1%
falsesu 62.21 98.8%
lordbones 54.63 96.1%
hellawildtyper 54.11 92.2%
spelling_error 53.94 95.0%
aniketantor 35.83 90.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
lordbones 54.63 96.1%
nobleinfantry 62.04 94.7%
aniketantor 35.83 90.0%
nobleinfantry 66.97 93.7%
user468593 64.26 95.1%
npabs 94.80 95.8%
user107862 30.50 95.8%
pjmj 66.80 94.3%