Tap Titans 2 (10) - Rofel

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von rofel
New Skill Tree. As you can see from the teasers posted, the skill tree has been revamped to create more gameplay options for players to choose from. We wanted to develop more content and customization options for players, without changing the core meta of the game.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
npabs 107.72 96.4%
browar08 106.46 100%
jerrythebob 100.20 98.9%
user206721 94.37 99.3%
boni 93.86 99.3%
petrolfume 88.86 91.4%
hamchow 85.99 94.3%
user101919 85.55 96.0%
lisa1025 82.16 96.7%
joeylogan1 82.08 96.0%

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npabs 107.72 96.4%
user746708 57.15 92.3%
user109254 47.04 93.3%
matysek 65.98 97.4%
user421490 71.62 91.4%
petrolfume 88.86 91.4%
reamerton 66.03 92.7%
scrig001 60.70 86.4%