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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
wolfram 128.64 95.7%
bpelletier1423 117.09 98.7%
user267992 104.62 96.6%
dustitramontano 99.18 97.5%
tetriks2 98.49 92.8%
user966753 94.87 95.7%
pendragon 86.14 92.6%
nmccrear1299 83.97 94.0%
tmbmil 83.13 94.5%
jcc3492 82.45 87.9%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
theapparatus 69.28 88.1%
robert.domanski 52.06 97.2%
airus 55.75 88.9%
nakiera.king 27.28 90.5%
kia88 36.33 86.6%
stouffville 32.51 96.9%
user583495 52.40 87.6%
user62689 48.94 96.3%