wpm typing tests

Meet the Demoman

This wpm typing tests wurde hinzugefügt von hvo-jetfire
A fierce temper, a fascination with all things explosive, and a terrible plan to kill the Loch Ness Monster cost the six-year-old Demoman his original set of adoptive parents. Later, back at the Crypt Grammar School for Orphans near Ullapool in the Scottish Highlands, the boy's bomb-making skills improved dramatically. His disposition and total number of intact eyeballs, however, did not.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses wpm typing tests

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
railker 119.31 99.2%
xystus777 108.14 98.5%
jacqueline1234 102.47 97.0%
2001or2 99.93 89.5%
sokend 98.33 98.2%
jan_londen 95.96 98.2%
gilligilliam 95.34 98.2%
moviemaniacgirl 93.95 98.0%
mellingb04 90.50 98.5%

Kürzlich für wpm typing tests

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user107454 43.80 90.7%
msorscher 73.79 100%
sharkster16 72.63 95.6%
user678283 50.93 92.2%
user470790 69.80 95.6%
jacqueline1234 91.40 96.3%
user107655 41.92 90.1%
ekg.anthony 50.95 92.2%