Penmanship Delusions - Unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von smooshedpeach
We laboriously elucidate, elaborate, and illuminate, in indecipherable phrases that merely serve to vex, perplex or flummox our interlocutors. In the process, the kernel of the message becomes intricately intertwined in the ludicrous livery in which we couch it. Therefore, despite the gratuitous gratification of pompous verbosity, the only constructive conclusion is that simplicity is key.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
peepeepoopoo6969 80.75 93.8%
mole666 79.76 95.4%
vevilo 73.94 93.3%
donoshea 73.63 90.5%
pcapriotti 72.85 91.6%
user85658 70.28 97.3%
r.vasquez2919 63.88 92.0%
tsquared76 58.85 92.7%
timlaw10 57.08 93.8%
tengugod 47.59 86.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user109636 27.54 87.3%
donoshea 73.63 90.5%
user85658 70.28 97.3%
peepeepoopoo6969 80.75 93.8%
tengugod 47.59 86.0%
tsquared76 58.85 92.7%
pcapriotti 72.85 91.6%
timlaw10 57.08 93.8%