
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von rexhep_zeqiri3
No matter how much people say bad things about you, you should always be positive. You have to share good energy with others so Earth becomes a better place.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
and another problem...

you have typed: "No matter how much people say bad things at you". This doesn't even make sense grammatically. Did you mean to say "No matter how often people say bad things about you?"

If you're going to post your personal ideas/thoughts as "quotes" on this site for others to type, at least have the courtesy to ensure that they are expressed correctly
weesin 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
terrible English

you don't share energy AT could, however, share energy WITH people....

You might want to fix this...

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rivendellis 154.51 100%
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u557051 149.78 99.3%
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madamebutterfly 109.15 98.7%
user109425 59.17 87.4%
shaikkamarul 82.95 94.0%