Tap Titans 2 (55) - Rofel

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von rofel
Believing that death in battle is the greatest honor a warrior can achieve, Lance pours his heart and soul into every duel. Lance longs for the sweet taste of victory and tirelessly seeks the glory found only after a long, hard-fought battle.

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user267992 148.43 99.2%
practicebutt69 143.10 100%
munoko 137.55 100%
ltfigs 136.36 98.0%
zhengfeilong 133.56 99.2%
mothertrucker 133.15 97.2%
user939249 131.77 94.6%
user287516 128.91 98.4%
dismint 126.63 99.2%
vmlm 124.69 98.0%

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afiffauzi31897 54.42 89.7%
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muxedotask 81.36 91.7%
tz13 72.20 93.1%
typinglindsey 76.99 96.0%
user93859 51.44 99.6%
ash 43.96 93.8%
hellawildtyper 75.81 97.6%