State of Firestone Introduction - FedoraMasterB98

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von breadytocrumble
State of Firestone, founded April 1st of 2016, is the largest populated and most beautiful state located in the foothills of a mountainous region, with a wide variety of monuments and attractions to go out and see. Join the state to be taken through our Citizenship process!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
pinpale 110.83 96.8%
doobdood 103.18 97.2%
user58947 98.13 96.5%
tetriks3 97.09 91.3%
radicalrandy 96.88 94.8%
syzyguy 90.75 97.5%
grnsarma 86.52 99.3%
user427627 85.20 95.5%
user982408 84.07 96.1%
user679222 83.94 98.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user109709 52.00 91.3%
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hiphopapotamus 59.24 89.5%
kwiieszz 75.72 94.5%
user982408 84.07 96.1%
vamshivjkrsna 73.01 97.5%
ekg.anthony 49.06 93.8%
mockingbird561 32.16 93.8%