Think. - Mr.Ace

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von psychopath
What are we but dust. We were made from it and we are buried into it. What is life, it is nothing. One moment you are and then you aren't. Think about it. Think about death maybe it will change your life. We are not happy because we think we will live in the next moment but we don't know if we are going to survive the next second. If the air will enter the lungs one more time. When you think about death you will live every moment, enjoying life to the fullest. Not a single dull moment.

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anshsaini 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
You can still be happy without thinking about death all the time
kumagai 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Nope. Thinking about death actually has the opposite affect. It fills you with dread and freezes you in place. A person who is preoccupied with thoughts of death is unable to open themselves to the experience of life.
namehere 6 Jahre vor
Favourite quote on this site so far.

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