Qwerty layout is a mess. - ze_or

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ze_or
Did you know on the qwerty keyboard layout you can type the word "typewriter" only using the top row? It is purposely made to do that. It also shows how badly designed the qwerty layout is. In fact, over half of the letters you use in the English language are on the top row.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 155.47 96.5%
chris_allan_qwerty 111.18 98.6%
jpadtyping 105.79 92.9%
jezpher 103.38 94.8%
hackertyper492 102.04 92%
tetriks3 97.25 92.9%
kyle_w 96.68 94.8%
clairebearr 94.41 96.2%
user370565 92.32 100%
algo 92.25 92.3%

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sitesh01 58.24 92.6%
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kyle_w 96.68 94.8%
jezpher 103.38 94.8%
anguillanguilla 20.01 96.8%
ironherald 71.39 89.0%
shaikkamarul 69.96 94.8%
soupqueen29 91.95 97.9%