Know Yourself - Resilient

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von resil.i.ent
Listen to me... Don't let anyone discourage you from achieving your best. You have the potential, you have the willpower, you have the brains to do it. Go for it! What are you waiting for?

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bvw 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Be resilient against attacks on your internal gold core of sappiness, and work towards peak prosperity! We can beat Covid, if all of humanity works together and appreciates one another.
weesin 6 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Please stop posting sappy messages like this. You don't even know the people who are reading your "quote".....for all you know, they might be super stupid and have no will power at all. Please stick to posting actual quotes,
akikiboo 6 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
that's so true thanks for the word of encouragement. :)

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