Leaders - Unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von typinggenius17
These days, there is nonstop empty rhetoric about striving to be a great leader. I'm tired of it. Not everyone is fit to be a leader, and leaders are overrated anyway. Behind every great leader is an even more dedicated, hardworking group of people that don't get the credit they deserve because everyone is obsessed with charismatic leaders. Now we have tons of cruddy leaders, but good teammates are few and far between. What a sad state!

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kumagai 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I feel like the pursuit of wanting to be a "leader" is narcissistic anyway. There's nothing good about being a leader, apart from the ego boost of feeling "above" other people. Take that away and all you have left is responsibility. And who needs more of that?
divine_. 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
this is a nice quote. it speaks truth.

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