James Bond vs Austin Powers - e.r.b

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ignitedgamer
I've beefed with Le Chiffre and No and Blofeld with the cheek scar, But they were not as crooked and rotten as your teeth are! I'll go balls to the Walther on this wack twat in an ascot! Blast shots atcha like gas from the back slot of a fat Scot! Permission from the Crown to put a scoundrel down? I've earned it! I'm licensed to kill; you couldn't get a learner's permit! After twenty-four films, I'm still reaching new heights! Your third movie died; guess You Only Live Twice!

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ignitedgamer 6 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
have you seen James Bond
meisme 6 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
hi there sir mam thing

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