On sacrifice - Hisperic

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von yakimi
Sacrifice is the sole criterion of worth. Love cries out for blood. In some measure, a nation is something worth dying for because it is something for which people have died.

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eternyti 3 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
It may be bad advice and not true (not for intelligent people anyway) but it is incredibly and beautifully poetic, especially the first two lines.
kiriiya 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
This may be a true statement to many of those who have thought a nation to be worth dying for. Good thing most of them are dead.
bvw 5 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Very very bad advice. In investing this kind of bad motivtion is called "throwing good money after bad." Life! Choose to live! Fools ever run to sacrifice their lives, and nations that encourage such folly are best gone soon.

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