Shougo Makishima

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von bridgey
In order to measure a person's worth you must do more than push them. The real way to test their worth is to give them power. When they gain the freedom to act outside the boundaries of law and ethics you can sometimes see their souls.

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bvw 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
I'm happy for you!
weesin 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
it's coming along nicely, thanks for asking
bvw 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
weeson, hows the healing coming?
weesin 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
And here's @bvm with his god talk again...
bvw 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
I like this advice, Not perfect, but good too. YOU MUST GIVE OTHERS POWER OVER YOURSELF (either with your money, your property, your heart, your health) not just to test them, which it does, but also for you to grow. In the end God holds ALL the power, your only choice is to do the right thing, but has the Creator created the world and gave grass the power to grow and grow, and you and I the so much free will and dominion over the creation aroung us, so you to must grow and be -- I do not think men can "be" long, without growing, for the world is full of attacking and decaying forces -- or you will shrink away to nothing. But to grow, in imitiation of our Creator, we must also engage in a far more general form of commerce: we must at proper times and in proper ways give others power over the most dear parts we have, save only our soul and existence.

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