Dont know how to spell the authors last name - Ellen denerousness

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ninjadude12
"Sometimes you can't see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others." Or this quote, "Things aren't quite as scary when you have a best friend."

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user871724 165.38 99.4%
2001or2 141.68 92.3%
npabs 123.11 100%
bmcgoo 121.49 98.8%
zeph 120.11 99.4%
mr_snow 115.98 100%
heiga 114.44 96%
xxsupervillain 112.21 99.4%
klgrass84 111.55 100%
tylerjarvis 111.14 97.7%

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user109150 42.32 90.8%
lardinrukinov 70.24 90.8%
user597828 39.89 90.4%
mr_snow 115.98 100%
itmeboii 72.02 90.4%
user843630 89.21 94.9%
wanna_be_typist 80.57 96.6%
npabs 123.11 100%