My experience - Vijay MP

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von vijay15588
Typing in a desktop keyboard and laptop is quite different. First of all you can't push your fingers otherwise you might end up with unforced errors. Next difficulty is backspace option is not at the standard position, you need to raise you little finger little more. Instead of a correction i did a lot of equals. Better as a beginner use old standard desktop "Keyboard" for progress.

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strikeemblem 107.47 92.2%
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aabbsss 84.67 94.4%
beautifullybrkn 82.55 92.8%
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concealedruin 64.28 93.2%
jules831 57.20 86.0%
gamingmoments 43.22 96.0%
cwnichols81 51.18 97.7%