All about me - Unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von nana13
I will not be subject to your tests. I will not give in to your begging, or play your little games. No matter how many times you tell me I am beautiful, or you say you love me, I will not give you what you want. I am an inspired individual out on a mission and that mission is not to do everything you say. I will go to a great college, get a good job, and buy a wonderful home with a wonderful family, and I will do it all without your "help". So thanks, but no thanks.

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teil0 9 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
Not your diary.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
errorcrash 120.80 98.5%
corey 118.85 99.8%
blindparadox 116.63 99.4%
typingcello 116.25 98.9%
crtuttle 113.68 98.9%
boyfrombangladesh 109.09 98.1%
vmlm 108.14 95.7%
chrisbrewer 105.59 92.4%
erhhm 102.91 98.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user45928 64.14 96.5%
user468593 80.20 98.1%
queenrita124 81.47 97.7%
noyj 87.95 95.4%
matrixx 90.26 96.0%
lwaller145 70.33 93.3%
maadj 70.65 95.0%
user108239 35.15 90.1%