Something to think about - Myself

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von joshindecado
Through a little bit of math, I have found out that running a race with twice the speed for half the race and half the speed for the other half is much slower than if you ran at the normal speed the whole time.

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tristantrim 2 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
ya ya, by distance it's true, but time its false!

first normal speed:
1km @ 2km/h is 30min, so 2km is in 1 hour.

then by distance:
1km @ 1km/h is 1 hour and 1km @ 4km/h is 15min so the same 2km but now it takes 1 hour and 15 minutes.

But if we split by time instead of distance:
24min @ 1km/hr is 400m and 24min @ 4km/hr is 1600m so we again have the same 2km but now it only takes 48 minutes!

I don't think this really undercuts the message "consistency is important" though.
liam3 4 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
"Half the race" is too ambiguous to make a conclusion on the accuracy of this statement. Half of the duration of the race? Half of the distance of the race?
quantom 4 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Indeed. Interesting observation. At first glance it intuitively seems wrong but the algebra tells that you'd take 1.25x the time instead. Consider the second half of the race - running at half the speed already takes you the same time as running the full length at normal speed.
joshindecado 5 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
To the quote below: "Half the race" means "half the distance of the race", not "half of the total time you ran".
user601673 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
This isn't true. If you ran at 2 miles an hour normally for say 2hours, if you go twice the speed for one hour (4 miles) plus half the speed for one hour (1 miles) that's 5miles, if you ran just normally for two hours it's 4 miles, your maths is wrong.
joshindecado 6 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Why is it that I can't see my own quotes over the website when I'm taking a typing test?

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