Easy - JoJo2001

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jojo2001
So I was typing and I was like how are they scoring your words per minute if the actual typing isn't even a freaking minute. So here I am trying to make a quote that lasts for a whole 60 seconds. Words are actually really incredible because whether you read or speak them they help you understand. Instructions for instance help you understand what you're doing, how and why. I'm this lasted a minute and good luck to all my fellow typers.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
marinate 125.01 98.4%
kyle_w 105.39 96.3%
fakku 100.48 95.0%
algo 93.20 95.6%
astrid17 88.71 96.9%
user105219 88.39 98.2%
grnsarma 85.94 98.9%
user370565 85.34 99.5%
typeracer_0 85.04 94.8%
sarahtesia 82.88 95.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jules831 74.82 93.4%
typeracer_0 85.04 94.8%
stevendiao 77.05 92.2%
kyle_w 105.39 96.3%
slaughtermelon 67.89 94.2%
user85179 72.55 93.1%
jamierh84 55.80 97.3%
charlottehci 81.05 96.1%